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متطلبات معاملة التوكيل والاقرار

نرجو من السادة المُراجعين عند إرسال طلب المُعاملات الخاصة بتوثيق التوكيل أو الإقرار الالكترونى أن يُرسلوا نُسخة من صيغة التوكيل أو الإقرار مُحدّداً فيه الغرض بدِّقة للسفارة عبر البريد
وذلـــــك لمراجعته  وتنقيحـــه لغوياً وإملائـــــــياً ومــــــن ثمّ تقوم الســـــــــفارة بطباعة التوكيل أو الاقرار ثُمّ يُرسل لصاحب المُعاملة في بريده الالكتروني للتوقيع عليه من قِبله والشهود، وإعادته بعد ذلك للسفارة عبر البريد السريع "ذهاب واياب" مُتضمناً نُسخة من المُستندات الثُبوتية لصاحب المُعاملة والشاهدين والرُسوم البالغ قدرها 75 دولار كندي في شكل حوالة مالية باسم EMBASSY OF SUDAN للتوثيق والإعتماد النهائي من قبل السفارة وذلك حرصاً على مراعاة الضوابط اللغوية والإملائية.
Make Sure you consult the New Fees document for the current fees before you mail Your Application
Requirements of Legal Documents
  1. Print and fill the respective form.

  2. Attach a copy of the authorizing, or delegating person(s) and the witnesses (two) must sign in designated areas in the form.

  3. In Case of Canadian Papers they must be authenticated at the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.

  4. For the "Tawkeel Shar'i" applicants must attend at the embassy in person

  5. Fees is $ 75

  6. Please note that fees are nonrefundable.

  7. Download respective form, print and fill it manually please until an editable version is available:


Igrar Shari (Statutory Declaration )




Tewkeil Shari (Power of Attorney)


Igrar Hiba (Endowment)

Birth Certificate

  • Fees for a letter "to whom it may concern" is $75

  • Legalization of Commercial Document fee is $285 / document

  • Legalization of school document or driver Licence fee is $260/ document

Nationality certificate

  • Print, fill the Nationality Application and submit it to the Embassy.

  • Attach original Nationality of the parents.

  • Attach a copy of the parent's Nationality and Passports.

  • Meet the Respective Official for an Interview.

  • Fees is $ 75

  • Please note that all fees are nonrefundable.


Applicant's sending their applications by mail are REQUIRED to furnish the Embassy with a Return envelope (postage/shipment paid by the applicant) using one of the services listed below. Failure to send one may cause delay in the return of the passport(s).

All fees are payable by Cash, Money Order or Cashier's Check ONLY!!! Personal Checks and Personal Money Orders are NOT acceptable.

Applicant's sending their application by mail are REQUIRED to furnish the Embassy with a Return envelope (postage/shipment paid by the applicant) using one of the following services only:

  • Express Mail (available from any Canadian Post Office).

  • Federal Express.

  • Airborne Express.

Applications should be sent to:
Consular Section
354 Stewart Street,
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 6K8

     ©2017 EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SUDAN. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.                                      354 Stewart Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1N 6K8

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